• Availability and reliability
  • Clear and transparent communication
  • High quality of our products and the whole productive cycle
  • Fast deliveries
  • Personalized services to retailer/distributor
  • Specific attention to the customer and continuous improvement


We are not among the leaders of this field but we can offer considerable advantages to our customers: flexibility, quick shipments, capability to cooperate with both big /medium and small-sized customers, index of defectiveness lower than 3%.

                                works hard to guarantee not only the high quality of its products, but also reliability and professionalism through all our remanufacturing process: raw materials and components purchase, quality tests, deliveries, customer care, focus on customer satisfaction.

Our purpose is to become a reference leader for inkjet cartridges by improving day by day.

We always guarantee a top quality through continuous investments in know-how, technologies, resources, high-precision equipment and industrial automation. We would like to establish strong and long-lasting business relationships, based on competence and mutual satisfaction.


                                is composed of a young and dynamic team and we are always ready to meet your retailing needs, complying with the best price/quality ratio. 

Con continui investimenti su "know.how", tecnologie, risorse, "equipment" di elevata precisione e automazione industriale, garantiamo una top quality. Desideriamo costruire relazioni aziendali solide e durature, basate sulla professionalità e sulla soddisfazione reciproca.


                                è composta da un team giovane e dinamico, sempre pronto a rispondere alle vostre esigenze di rivendita nel rispetto del miglior rapporto qualità prezzo.